RadoNorm virtual Kick Off Meeting

written by RadoNorm
11. Sep 2020
Categories: Webinars
Kick Off Meeting speakers

The RadoNorm Project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/900009) held its project Kick-Off meeting virtually on the 09-10 September 2020.

This was the first opportunity for approx. 170 representing the 56 partners coming from 22 EU member states and associated countries to gather online to introduce the project and lay the foundation for future cooperation.

The greatest expectation of the involved partners at the meeting was to clearly understand the responsibilities in this multidisciplinary project with eight work packages and many intertwined tasks. This goal was successfully achieved with the support of very motivated and well-prepared presenters.

The Kick-Off will be followed up by further project meetings, like the annual meetings and several Workpackage meetings, throughout the lifetime of the project.


Figure 1: Overall structure of the RadoNorm




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