The upcoming RadoNorm Research Seminar on 19th February 2025 at 13:30 CET will feature results from Task 4.9 of WP4 (Effects and Risks) and be presented by Jordi Vives i Batlle (SCK CEN). The title of the talk will be “A model to assess the combined effects of...
Researchers in a spotlight
Researcher in a spotlight: Balázs Madas
Balázs Madas, leader of RadoNorm’s WP3, was interviewed by PhD student N. Love about his expertise and activities in the field of dosimetry. He shares his thoughts on leadership in his work package and the relevance of multidisciplinarity in RadoNorm in the video...
A story of determination
"People usually know little about all the 'NOs' we have received, the battles we have fought, and the effort we have made to reach our career goals." – Ämilie Degenhardt The American Health Physics Society published an interview with our RadoNorm Early Career...
New video of Researchers in a Spotlight
An interview with Dr. Meritxell Martell (MERIENCE), who is part of WP6 and highly involved in the upcoming citizen science projects, is available on and the RadoNorm YouTube channel. You are...
New video of Researchers in a Spotlight
An interview with two special guests Dr. Sisko Salomaa, former WP4 leader, and Dr. Päivi Roivainen, the new WP4 leader, is available on and the RadoNorm YouTube channel. The researchers...
We’ve launched our “Researchers in a spotlight” series
Researchers in a spotlight is going to be a regular news in the form of videos. It will shine a light on variety of RadoNorm researchers providing deeper and broader information on their research and achievements. The interviews as well as video production will be in...