Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation of Results

EIMV, Slovenia

Description of work

WP 8 aims to communicate, disseminate and exploit the outputs of the project to many different target audiences which will be coordinated in tasks. Focus of the communication activities is to inform about and promote the RadoNorm and its results3 to the multiple audiences, including the media and the public, in a two- way exchange. The dissemination activities describe and ensure that the results are available for others interested, like scientific communities, industrial partners, policymakers and other end users. The communication and dissemination requirements will be specified in the RadoNorm Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR). The exploitation activities enable concrete use of project results through scientific, economic political or societal routes by interested organizations within project partners or other user groups outside the project. WP8 enables open access to research data by use of STOREdb platform developed for the archiving and sharing of the primary data outputs from research on low dose radiation and which will be further developed for RadoNorm results’ exploitation for all user groups. The RadoNorm results will be public unless the decision to protect the outputs will be taken (such as patenting or other forms of protection). Green open access at the website project online repository will be used and also gold open access for limited number of publications.


Task 8.1: Planning for implementation of communication, dissemination and exploitation

Leader: EIMV, partners: BfS, IRSN, MTA-EK, STUK, SURO, SCK•CEN, SU, UEF (M1-M60)

Within the task the strategy and plan for communication, dissemination and exploitation of results (PEDR, Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results) will be developed, including all necessary steps to fulfil the objectives of WP8, like stakeholder mapping, communication and dissemination content with key messages, identification of channels and tools, activities, collaboration with other initiatives, action plan, monitoring with evaluation and feedback for improvement (D8.1, D8.2). In this task coordination of WP8 activities will be performed with continuous monitoring and updates of plan and will be reported in the Communication, dissemination and exploitation final report (D8.6).

Role of Partners: A representative from each WP will participate in the planning activities.

Task 8.2: Establishment of online tools

Leader: EIMV, subcontractor for ITC (M1-M60)

In this task the online tools will be established for the communication and dissemination activities of RadoNorm. The design of project’s graphics will be developed, project website (external with online project repository and internal (non-public area) project place) will be established and web based social media will be formed: like Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube. All the online tools will be regularly maintained and updated.

Task 8.3: Deployment of communication and dissemination material

Leader: EIMV, partners: BfS, IRSN, MTA-EK, STUK, SURO, SCK•CEN, SU, UEF (M1-M60)

In this task activities with creation of communication and dissemination material depending on the target audience, as identified in task 8.6, and identified channels (like, online-website, social media; printed and digital materials: leaflets, brochures, publications, newsletters, press releases, video, interviews) will be prepared and deployed to stakeholder audiences. The actions will also include promotions of the project and project’s results through press releases, videos, interviews, publications, exhibitions / open days, guided visits. It is foreseen that besides Green Open Access (online project repository as part of the website) to RadoNorm results, also a limited number of Gold Open Access in Open Access journal will be assured (foreseen 5 peer- reviewed publications for WP2 to WP6 most important results). The final report with printed and digital materials’ will be produced (D8.3).

Role of Partners: A representative from each WP will contribute to development of material.

Task 8.4: Online communication and dissemination

Leader: EIMV, partners: BfS, IRSN, MTA-EK, STUK, SURO, SCK•CEN, SU, UEF (M1-M60)

In this task the online communication and dissemination will be assured with use and updates of project’s social media, like Twitter, LinkedIn, and regular updates of website and online information repository. The communication and dissemination material will be based on the outputs from task 8.3, but also some individual social media news will be prepared according to the D8.1, which will also include social media communication and dissemination strategy and plan (based on Social media guide for EU funded R&I projects). The identified stakeholder networks as in subtask 8.6 will be used for on line communication and dissemination. The final report with printed and digital materials’ will be produced (D8.3).

Role of Partners: A representative from each WP will contribute to development of material.

Task 8.5: Running events and participation

Leader: EIMV, other partners: contributors BfS, IRSN, MTA-EK, STUK, SURO, SCK•CEN, SU, UEF (M1-M60)

In this task organization of project’s workshops, seminars and academic conferences will be assured consisting with 1 scientific event per year (in total 5 events) with proceedings (as milestones), starting with kick-off workshop, and RadoNorm meetings devoted to the combined WPs topics, and ended with final RadoNorm conference. The events will be devoted to different stakeholders’ networks identified in the task 8.6, like members of scientific community, ERA, ENA members, responsible authorities, municipal administration and governmental decision makers, residents and media. Additionally, online events will be organised once a year to attract also related target audiences (like, younger generation, other related scientific communities, building professionals, citizen science members). Reports will summarize such events (as milestones). At the end of the project the summary RadoNorm events’ report will be delivered (D8.4).

As far as possible the participation of RadoNorm partners in thematically similar conferences and events will be promoted (e.g. European Radiation protection Week, platform meetings).

Role of Partners: A representative from each WP will contribute to events’ programmes development.

Task 8.6: Active stakeholder/user engagement

Leader: EIMV, partners: BfS, IRSN, MTA- EK, STUK, SURO, SCK•CEN, SU, UEF (M1-M60)

Within the task proactive stakeholder engagement will be performed, including mapping of stakeholders, establishment of related networks and procedures for engagement and integration in project’s activities to assure different levels of engagement. The focus will be on the radon and NORM related stakeholder, including the scientific community, representatives from regulatory authorities, health institutions and other responsible ministries, municipalities and implementing authorities, public building managers and house owners, building professionals, construction engineers and architects, residents and media representatives. Stakeholder networks will be established and linked to other RadoNorm activities, such as pilot testing of communication tools in WP6. The summary report on stakeholder engagement will be delivered at the end of project (D8.5).

Role of Partners: A representative from each WP will contribute to active stakeholder engagement, with a stronger participation of BfS and SCK.CEN in the stakeholder engagement

Task 8.7: Facilitating further use of results (UCAM)

A statement about type and form of the data, expected in the RadoNorm project and how to deal with them will be laid out in the RadoNorm data management plan to ensure maximum benefit, transparency and the further use of the data whenever possible. The Data Management Plan will include information about research data, which will be collected, generated or processed within the project and beyond, which methodology & standards will be applied, whether data will be shared/made open access and how data will be preserved & curated after the end of the project. STOREdb will be used for secure storage of all data and whenever appropriate for dissemination purpose. In case open access to data is not possible due to confidentiality issues, access can be provided by the data owner upon request. This statement is made as part of a data management plan. Within RadoNorm the STORE database will be technically further developed according to the specifics of RadoNorm project and also generally for easy handling of big data volumes and new formats. This will also include the establishment of interface for easy use on mobile and tablets devices. The activities in the task will be reported in D8.5 RadoNorm STOREdb report.

Role of Partners: BfS will support the coordination of RadoNorm STOREdb by providing access to its servers.