
IRSN, France


Objective of WP2 is to provide a better characterisation of exposures of humans (public and workers) and biota to radon and NORM. A series of 8 tasks defined to fill knowledge gaps identified in previous European or National projects (such as MetroRadon, TERRITORIES, MetroNORM), documented as research priorities in the SRA of the relevant European RPR Platforms, and to facilitate the implementation of the European Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM.

WP2 will develop required and still missing measurement methods and protocols for radon and thoron progeny in radon exposure assessments. In addition, WP2 will acquire new scientific knowledge on the factors and processes that impact on radon and the transfer of NORM relevant radionuclides at various places and for different spatial scales. Radon or NORM impacted sites will be thoroughly characterized, in-situ measurements (including in dwellings or different types of work-places for radon, specific chosen sites for radon outdoor and NORM contaminated sites) and more focused laboratory experiments (role of microbiology in the NORM transfer, soil sorption-desorption experiments with specific radionuclides, for ex.) will be performed. Finally models of transfer and dispersion of radon and NORM will be implemented.

Based on new scientific knowledge WP2 will provide pragmatic and feasible

  • recommendations or guidelines for radon-radon progeny measurements (booth for calibration and quality assurance checking),
  • workplace type-specific measurement protocols for realistic assessment of radon exposure of the workers,
  • methods to support Member States in the identification of high indoor radon levels at the European level,
  • recommendations to support the revision of EC–Radiation Protection guidelines relative to NORM in consideration of new types of industries involving NORM, processes, environmental standards and types of releases.

WP2 outputs will feed in in the risk assessment research for humans and biota as performed in WP4, as well as for the assessment of remediation strategies in contaminated areas as in WP5.