A new paper has been published in “Atmosphere” by Agata Grygier and Kristian Skubacz at GIG, Poland, working in WP2 of RadoNorm.
In their paper “Radon Equilibrium Factor and the Assessment of the Annual Effective Dose at Underground Workplaces”, the results of measurements of the equilibrium factor F at the Historic Silver Mine in Tarnowskie Góry are discussed. Since the equilibrium factor is a crucial parameter to be considered when assessing the effective dose based on radon activity concentration, it is essential to know its correct value. The equilibrium factor in different environments theoretically varies from a value close to 0 to 1. It is expected that assessing the dose based on a single recommended coefficient value may lead to underestimation or overestimation of the dose. The equilibrium coefficients were determined from measurements of radon activity concentration and potential alpha energy concentration and ranged from 0.15 to 0.94, with an arithmetic mean of 0.55. The average effective dose calculated for a worker using these values was 31 mSv, assuming an annual working time of 1800 hours
This and more of RadoNorm’s latest publications can be found here.