CELET Training Course in 2024

written by Nadja Železnik
06. Sep 2024
Categories: Courses

Stockholm University will once again be organising the CELET course (Cellular and genotoxic effects of high and low LET ionising radiation – introduction to radiation biology) in 2024 from 11.11.2024 – 22.11.2024. The aim of the 2‑week course is to acquaint students with techniques of studying genotoxic effects of ionising radiation which are of relevance for RadoNorm and the broad field of radiation research. The target groups are students and young researchers with various backgrounds who want to get a basic introduction to biological effects of radiation. The course will contain both lectures and practical laboratory work. The lectures will focus on various aspects of biological effects of low and high LET ionising radiation as well as on techniques to detect them using cytogenetics and immunogenetics. The practical part will focus on teaching laboratory techniques used to study genotoxic radiation effects on cells. Successful participants will receive a certificate of attendance with 3 ECTS credits. Accommodation of participants is covered by the course.

To apply, please submit by email a letter of application, a CV with description of scientific career and a supporting letter from their supervisor to Andrzej Wojcik at andrzej.wojcik@su.se. The deadline for applications is September 30th 2024.

More information about the course content can be found here and on the RadoNorm website.

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