RadoNorm PhD student, Linde Pollet, was nominated at University of Hasselt to attend the Global Forum Rising Stars, organised by OECD-NEA, which took place on 25th to 26th November 2024 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Global Forum Rising Stars Programme’s mission is to reach within the nuclear field, adjacent disciplines, and beyond to welcome female rising stars in science, technology, education and policy into the global nuclear community. At this workshop, she presented her work related to WP6 (societal aspects) which focuses on the characterisation and management of NORM residues from the geothermal industry. The focus of this study is to find what potential hazard is posed by natural radioactivity in geothermal installations, and how risks related to this hazard are perceived, managed and communicated by stakeholders.
“Having the opportunity to present my research at this workshop raised a lot of interest of the other participants who were unaware that natural radioactivity could cause such problems in the non-nuclear industries,” said Linde after the event.
RadoNorm is proud of her achievements in the field.
More on the topic can be found in a press article by the OECD-NEA.