The European Radiation Protection Week in 2024, organised in Rome, Italy, was the last of its kind to be organised in the course of RadoNorm’s span. As a result, there was large representation from members of RadoNorm, filling up 2 sessions devoted to radon and NORM during the conference. Oral and poster presentations were given by members of all 5 scientific work packages and the latest results were well-received and stimulated lively discussion among the audience.
A prototype radon and air quality measuring device stemming from the Hungarian citizen science project in RadoNorm was showcased in the new Tech Sharing Corner at the conference, offering the chance to illustrate an applied output of the project.
The conference also offered a chance for early career researchers (ECRs) to gather together in the framework of the ECRad network; an initiative spearheaded by members of the RadoNorm ECR Council.