New Publication from WP2

written by Nadja Železnik
26. Sep 2024
Categories: Papers

F. Rey and colleagues from the institutes HES-SO, EPFL, ISS, AGES and IRSN have published their “Systematic review of statistical methods for the identification of buildings and areas with high radon levels” in Frontiers in Public Health. This paper provides a systematic review of the methods used to identify radon prone areas and buildings, following the PRISMA methodology. The methodologies were classified into four main categories: 1) descriptive methods, 2) regression methods, 3) geostatistical methods, and 4) machine learning methods. For each method, advantages and disadvantages were presented, and examples of applications provided. The ultimate purpose of this review is to offer researchers a comprehensive synthesis to optimise the selection of methods for identifying radon-prone areas and buildings.

This and more publications can be found on our website.

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