Ludwig Maximilians – Universitaet Muenchen

Organisation name: Ludwig Maximilians – Universitaet Muenchen

Acronym: LMU

Country: DE

Participant No.: 39

LMU Munich is the academic home of 50,000 students, with almost 7,000 international students from 125 countries. It employs about 6,200 professors and other academic staff as well as 2,000 non-academic staff members.  The University has a classical academic profile ranging from the humanities and cultural sciences, law, economics and social sciences to medicine and natural sciences. It has campuses throughout the city which belong to 18 faculties. Leading members of LMU’s academic staff are regularly represented among the winners of prestigious national and international research prizes, such as Nobel Prizes, Leibniz Prizes, Humboldt Professorships and European Research Council Grants.