Environmental Protection Agency

Organisation name: Environmental Protection Agency

Acronym: EPA

Country: IE

Participant No.: 10

The Environmental Protection Agency is at the front line of environmental protection and policing in Ireland.  We ensure that Ireland’s environment is protected, and we monitor changes in environmental trends to detect early warning signs of neglect or deterioration.

Protecting our environment is a huge responsibility, and we work with a number of organisations that carry out specific environmental functions.  As of August 2014, we are also responsible for ensuring that the people of Ireland are protected from the harmful effects of radiation.

We have a wide range of functions to protect the environment, and our primary responsibilities include:

  • Environmental licensing
  • Enforcement of environmental law
  • Environmental planning, education and guidance
  • Monitoring, analysing and reporting on the environment
  • Regulating Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions
  • Environmental research development
  • Strategic environmental assessment
  • Waste management
  • Radiological protection