An online gathering of the Munich Young Radiation Researchers (MYRR), organised by members of Radiation Biology group of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) took place on 21st March 2024. The meetings take place frequently to foster interaction between young scientists in the field of radiation research across the research institutes in Munich, Germany. Members of RadoNorm were invited to present their research and host talks at the last MYRR meeting. Nadia Boroumand (Stockholm University) and Jad Abuhamed (Tampere University) spoke of their research in the framework of WP4, Warren John (BfS) talked about his career path and role in coordinating the RadoNorm project, and Ämilie Degenhardt (BfS) presented the RadoNorm Early Career Researcher Council and its activities.
RadoNorm at OECD-NEA’s Global Forum Rising Stars
RadoNorm PhD student, Linde Pollet, was nominated at University of Hasselt to attend the Global Forum Rising Stars, organised by OECD-NEA, which took place on 25th to 26th November 2024 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Global Forum Rising Stars Programme’s mission is to...