The latest issue of the Spanish magazine “Radioprotección” edited by the Spanish Society for Radiological Protection has published two articles on RadoNorm. One article provides a general overview of the RadoNorm project, while the other focuses on the citizen science funded projects, which were selected after an open call. The coordination team of RadoNorm, together with M. Martell, wrote an overview of the project and the preliminary results.
Martell is the author of the second article on the role of RadoNorm in promoting citizen science projects in the field of radon research in Europe. The article highlights the open call of citizen science projects. Out of the 19 received proposals, 6 of them will be funded with approximately 25,000 euros each to promote radon testing and mitigation in local communities. RadoNorm partners with expertise in dosimetry and mitigation will provide support to the citizen science projects.