RadoNorm Citizen Science Project OCRA successfully kicks off in Italy

written by Nadja Železnik
18. Oct 2023
Categories: Research

RadoNorm funded CS project, Osservatorio Cittadino sul Radon (OCRA) kicked-off with a public event on 20th September evening in the municipality of Abbadia San Salvatore (Tuscany), one of the radon-affected areas in Italy. About 200 citizens participated and were informed about how to monitor radon in their homes. On 21st September, OCRA was presented to four schools in the municipality, whose managers and teachers were very committed to collaborate in the project. A total of 37 radon dosimeters were installed in the schools. A total of 45 dosimeters have been delivered to workplaces, including municipal offices, health center and shops and an additional 200 to individuals for home monitoring.

OCRA seeks to reduce radon levels through measurement of exposure in homes, workplaces and schools and to increase awareness of radon risks and mitigation measures through citizen science activities. The population showed a lot of interest in OCRA with school managers, teachers, office and shop managers showing a firm commitment to collaborate on the citizen science project in the next 6 months.

OCRA is led by a dedicated and committed team from Source International, an NGO with expertise in environmental monitoring of air, water, soil and food quality.

More information on the project here and on the RadoNorm citizen science webpage.

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