RadoNorm Advanced course: NORM IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT: FROM MICROORGANISMS TO HUMAN CELLS- 30th August to 10th September, 2021

written by RadoNorm
30. Jul 2021
Categories: Courses · NORM

All the lectures from the advanced course: NORM IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT: FROM MICROORGANISMS TO HUMAN CELLS will be open to the public (with the exception of practical and theoretical-practical classes). It is an excellent opportunity to hear experts on radioecology, eco(geno)toxicology, omics applications and AOP development, which are all scientific areas that can significantly contribute for NORM impact assessment. Do not miss it!

Please see the programme here: https://www.radonorm.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/NORM-impact-assessment-toolkit-flyer-programme.pdf

If interested please use this link for registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lHT-3A_gG68JSLjXQ_iQCdu-OnibAES8lZhw8i9wBl8/edit?usp=sharing

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