Post doc position at IRSN

written by RadoNorm
20. Jan 2022

The Department of Radioactive Waste Management (Dr Arnaud MANGERET) at the French Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) is offering a postdoctoral position in environmental geochemistry to work in a team of analytical chemists and geochemists towards the geochemical behaviour of radium in a wetland impacted by former uranium mining activities. Our department develops research project regarding the migration of radionuclides and metals downstream from nuclear legacy sites.

We are looking for a inquisitive and creative student with a PhD in analytical chemistry or environmental geochemistry. The candidate should have extensive experience with mass spectrometry especially ICP-MS and if possible nano-SIMS techniques. She/he should have an interest in understanding geochemical processes in environmental systems such as wetlands. Ideally, the candidate has also experience in radiochemistry, geochemistry and a good knowledge about microscopic technologies.

The position is available immediately and is limited to 18 months. This project is funded by the European consortium RadoNorm (

Application can be sent to

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