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february, 2025

Short courses sponsored by RadoNorm

RadoNorm is promoting education and training in support of the research programme and making more widely available training opportunities in order to help attract top-level students into the field covering all aspects of the scientific research areas relevant to...

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RadoNorm videos on radon

Several videos have been published on RadoNorm Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6yCORiPX5DXgmu5AaGLn9Q:   STUK video on family renovating their house to reduce radon “Help, radon values are hitting the roof!”   STUK video on how to know if there is...

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RadoNorm public opinion survey is ongoing

Data collection for the 2020 Barometer in Belgium is currently ongoing and is carried out by the market research firm Kantar Belgium using a mail-to-web data collection method. The survey studies the attitudes, beliefs and risk perceptions of Belgians concerning...

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WHO Health for All Film Festival

The WHO Health for All Film Festival invites independent film-makers, production companies, public institutions, NGOs, communities, students, and film schools from around the world to submit their original short films on health. The festival aims to recruit a new...

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Protection against radon at work

New regulation for the protection against radon at work in France was published in new issue of European ALARA Network (EAN) Newsletter -  link. This article is a summary of the guide addressed to the employer published in October 2020 by the French Minister of Labour...

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European Radon Day 2020

The 7th of November is the annual date for European Radon Day. This year the ERA marked it with the special infographic devoted to the topic “Healthy Indoor Environment and Radon as a Pollutant” https://radoneurope.org/european-radon-day-2020/. It provides several...

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RadoNorm virtual Kick Off Meeting

Kick Off Meeting speakers The RadoNorm Project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/900009) held its project Kick-Off meeting virtually on the 09-10 September 2020. This was the first opportunity for approx. 170 representing the 56 partners coming from 22 EU member...

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