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We’ve launched our “Researchers in a spotlight” series
Researchers in a spotlight is going to be a regular news in the form of videos. It will shine a light on variety of RadoNorm researchers providing deeper and broader information on their research and achievements. The interviews as well as video production will be in...
Early Career Researcher position open at Environmental Physics Department
An Early Career Researcher position for three years has been opened at the Environmental Physics Department of the Centre for Energy Research (Budapest, Hungary) in the frame of the RadoNorm project (Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific...
Postdoc position open within department of Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Granada
Postdoc position open within department of Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Granada The department of Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Granada is looking for a Postdoc candidate to conduct research work related...
RadoNorm workshop in collaboration with RICOMET2021
RadoNorm project in collaboration with RICOMET2021 held a workshop entitled “Beyond scientific disciplinary boundaries: the future of radiation protection research and practice?” on 8th of September 2021. The meeting started with moderated webinar to answer questions...
RadoNorm 1st annual meeting
RadoNorm project held its first Annual Meeting on 6th - 7th of September 2021. The programme was very intensive and comprehensive. The first day was intended for the RadoNorm members only. Detail presentations about the progress of the last 12 month of the project’s...
RadoNorm annual meeting and workshop
RadoNorm project will have its first Annual Meeting combined with a workshop from 6th to 8th of September 2021. On 7th of September the meeting will be open with aim to present the project and its progress after one year combined with discussion with stakeholders. You...
RadoNorm WP4 radon source for cell experiments video
New video is published at https://www.radonorm.eu/publications/video/ on the new radon source which will be used as part of the RadoNorm WP4 cell experiments. The aim of this radon source is to be used for in vitro experiments with bronchial cells to understand how...
RadoNorm Advanced course: NORM IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT: FROM MICROORGANISMS TO HUMAN CELLS- 30th August to 10th September, 2021
All the lectures from the advanced course: NORM IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT: FROM MICROORGANISMS TO HUMAN CELLS will be open to the public (with the exception of practical and theoretical-practical classes). It is an excellent opportunity to hear experts on...
PhD position funded by RadoNorm project available
Department of Astronautical, Electric and Energy Engineering (DIAEE) at Sapienza University in Rome, based on agreement with Istituto Superiore di Sanità has a 3 years vacant PhD position funded by EU-funded project RadoNorm. The PhD position will be focusing on...
First paper published by RadoNorm focusing on citizen science on radon
The first publication of RadoNorm is the result of Task 6.3.1 on citizen science which has the aim to establish a citizen science toolkit for radon prone areas and a network of citizen science projects to address radon. The partners in this task have examined and...
RadoNorm at the IAEA “Holistic Approach to NORM Management” Webinar
A workshop sponsored by the IAEA Technical Cooperation Program in Brazil attempted to review the Member State Infrastructure to deal with several NORM topics such as policy, strategy, regulations, inventory, valorisation of residues (in the scope of the circular...
Post-doctoral open position at IRSN: Numerical modelling of radon transport in karstic system
A national map of the geogenic radon potential was elaborated in France in 2010. However, the results of this mapping showed the necessity to enhance knowledge on the influence of some local geological factors on the radon production and migration, such as karstic...