New RadoNorm paper contribution

written by RadoNorm
27. Mar 2022
Categories: Papers

Recently published article “Suggestions for Improvements in National Radon Control Strategies of Member States Which Were Developed as a Requirement of EU Directive 2013/59 EURATOM”,  written by Mc Laughlin, J.P.; Gutierrez-Villanueva, J.-L. and Perko, T. published in IJERPH as part of the Special Issue Indoor Radon Risk Assessment and Remedial (  refers to the RadoNorm project and the first results.

The main objective of the contribution is to acknowledge and recognise the improvements in radon protection policies, and to show that there are many areas where improvements are desirable and possible. The final goal is to suggest better ways to protect the general population from exposure to radon gas. Among others, authors point out the novel approach and transdiscipolinarity taken in RadoNorm. In radon research, there are emerging citizen science projects in the context of the EU H2020 project RadoNorm, where citizens have a role in knowledge production, data collection, formulation of research questions, interpreting data and disseminating scientific results.

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