InterRad Training Course in 2024

written by Nadja Železnik
18. Jan 2024
Categories: Courses

From 15th to 26th April 2024, BfS will be organising the InterRad course (Interdisciplinary Radiation Research on Radon) for the 2nd time during the RadoNorm project. The course will provide insights into physical, biological and epidemiological fundamentals in radiation research with a focus on radon. These basic principles will be completed by presenting interdisciplinary approaches like molecular epidemiology, biobanking, micro-/ nanodosimetry and radon risk assessment. Lessons in the first week will be given in an online format followed by a second week of lab courses.

The course is intended for MSc students, PhD students and researchers, all registered in the EU. To apply please submit: (1) Letter of application, (2) CV with a description of the scientific career, (3) Letter of support from the supervisor / head of laboratory (only for students), and send your documents to Dr. Maria Gomolka ( by 3rd March 2024.

Please contact Dr. Gomolka for more information and browse our website for more information on RadoNorm courses.

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