As the year winds down, RadoNorm wishes all its partners and stakeholders a joyful Christmas season, a relaxing holiday time with good vibes and pleasant memories to mark the end of yet another fruitful year.
European Radon Day
The European Radon Association proclaimed 7 November “European Radon Day”. The radioactive gas radon is among the leading causes of death from lung cancer after smoking. Radon occurs everywhere in soil. Larger amounts entering a building increase the lung cancer risk...
Happy Summer Holidays from RadoNorm
RadoNorm wishes all its consortium members and stakeholders, some already enjoying their summer vacation and many who are yet to leave, a pleasant and relaxing vacation time!
RadoNorm Workshop on comparing various commercial radon monitors
Members of RadoNorm WP2 will host a workshop at the next European Radiation Protection Week in Dublin, Ireland this year to discuss intercomparison between 13 commercially-available budget electronic radon monitors. The session will showcase the methodology and...
RadoNorm at CARST2023
RadoNorm will be represented at the CARST2023 – Canada’s 12th Annual Radon Conference, by A. Kunte from the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). CARST2023 takes place on 12th – 16th April 2023 at the Victoria Conference Centre in Victoria, British...
Happy International Women’s Day
RadoNorm would like to wish all women engaged in radiation protection around the world a very happy International Women’s Day 2023! We are especially grateful for all our female students, scientists and colleagues who help make RadoNorm a success.
New RadoNorm Publication
A new publication from RadoNorm has just been released. The article was published as part of the proceedings from the FISA 2022 conference in the journal EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technology in a special issue “Euratom Research and Training in 2022: challenges,...
New scientific publication from Work Package 6
A new paper from WP6 has just been published in the Journal of Risk Research. The paper investigates how to improve methodology to measure public knowledge, behaviour, attitudes and feelings related to radon. The paper titled “Foxes caught in the same snare: a...
EAN Webinar
The European ALARA Network is holding a webinar on 8th December 2022 with the aim of examining how the optimisation principle has been applied in the case of NORM and radon (at workplace or in other circumstances) and whether the choices of exposure type and exposure...
Constitution of a RadoNorm Early Career Researcher council
A total of 23 PhD students and 12 postdoctoral researchers (collectively referred to as early career researchers) are funded by RadoNorm during the duration of the project. On 2022 10 05, during the second annual meeting in Munich, the ECR met and set up a RadoNorm...