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february, 2025

RadoNorm – 1st PhD/ECR Day

On 15th of April first PhD and Early Carrier Researcher event was organized in which students shortly report about the objectives of their work, the plan for research and current progress. In total 10 students presented their activities in different institutions which...

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Europe’s fight against cancer

On February 3rd, the EU Commission adopted and published its strategy to fight cancer, "Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan". The plan is divided into four action areas: prevention, early detection of cancer, Diagnosis and treatment and Improve quality of life. The plan is...

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RadoNorm at SAFECAST 10th Anniversary

RadoNorm recognised as an important project for promoting citizen science in radon at the round table on ‘How has Safecast influenced research, policies and practices in emergency management’ of the SAFECAST 10th Anniversary available on youtube...

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RadoNorm public opinion survey is ongoing

Data collection for the 2020 Barometer in Belgium is currently ongoing and is carried out by the market research firm Kantar Belgium using a mail-to-web data collection method. The survey studies the attitudes, beliefs and risk perceptions of Belgians concerning...

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