RadoNorm has held two webinars to discuss the open call for funding citizen science projects: the first on 7 November 2022 (European Radon Day) and the second on 17 January 2023. Click on the links above to view the recordings. The deadline for the submission of...
Determining uranium speciation in soils and sediments impacted by weathering acid forming alum shale
PhD student Mila Kristiina Pelkonen and research scientist Estela Reinoso-Maset, both from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), and postdoctoral researcher Gianni Vettese, from the University of Helsinki (UH), have recently been at one of the newest, most...
New scientific publication from Work Package 6
A new paper from WP6 has just been published in the Journal of Risk Research. The paper investigates how to improve methodology to measure public knowledge, behaviour, attitudes and feelings related to radon. The paper titled “Foxes caught in the same snare: a...
Methodology and Tools for NORM exposure sites characterisation
Work Package 2 has now made publicly available its developed Methodology and Tools/Registers for the identification and characterisation of exposure sites with naturally occurring radionuclide material (NORM). These can be easily used by various institutions in...
Citizen Science Projects on EU-Citizen.Science Database
RadoNorm citizen science projects are successfully registered and accepted in the eu-citizen.science database. EU-Citizen.Science is an online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science – by the community, for the community. The...
New deliverable reports
RadoNorm published 2 new reports (D6.5 and D8.7), which were recently accepted by the European Commission. D6.5 is part of the radon communication study lead by health communication department at University of Antwerp, Belgium and psychology department at Trinity...
“Challenges of developing a comprehensive biokinetic model to assess embryo/fetus doses due to radon intakes by the mother” by Ämilie Degenhardt-Erbe
On April 20th I had the opportunity to present my RadoNorm Early Career Researcher Project and the challenges we have been facing to develop a biokinetic model to assess embryo/fetus doses due to radon intakes by the mother at the Conference of the Canadian...
New scientific article on the perspectives of radon
A new scientific article, as a result of the RadoNorm project, was just published in International Journal of Public Health (Impact Factor: 3.38). The article “Cure or Carcinogen? A Framing Analysis of European Radon Spa Websites”, is written by WP6 members: Robbe...
Deadline for participation in NORM e-survey is prolonged
Regulators, industry operators and experts across Europe are invited to participate in a NORM survey of the RadoNorm project. The survey is dedicated to naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), with the main objective of gathering specific valuable...
New scientific article published in the frame of RadoNorm
RadoNorm published a new article “Societal aspects of NORM: An overlooked research field” written by Catrinel Turcanu, Tanja Perko, Melisa Muric, Jelena Mrdakovic Popic, Robbe Geysmans and Nadja Železnik in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. The article is...