An Early Career Researcher position for three years has been opened at the Environmental Physics Department of the Centre for Energy Research (Budapest, Hungary) in the frame of the RadoNorm project (Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific...
Open positions
Postdoc position open within department of Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Granada
Postdoc position open within department of Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Granada The department of Microbiology in the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Granada is looking for a Postdoc candidate to conduct research work related...
PhD position funded by RadoNorm project available
Department of Astronautical, Electric and Energy Engineering (DIAEE) at Sapienza University in Rome, based on agreement with Istituto Superiore di Sanità has a 3 years vacant PhD position funded by EU-funded project RadoNorm. The PhD position will be focusing on...
Post-doctoral open position at IRSN: Numerical modelling of radon transport in karstic system
A national map of the geogenic radon potential was elaborated in France in 2010. However, the results of this mapping showed the necessity to enhance knowledge on the influence of some local geological factors on the radon production and migration, such as karstic...
PhD position open within Environmental Radioactivity, Radon and Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences (MINA) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) through Center for environmental radioactivity (CERAD) has together with the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) a 3 years vacant PhD position within...
PhD position open at Universitat de Barcelona
PhD position in the frame of RadoNorm project is opened at the Universitat de Barcelona. This PhD project aims at modelling the solid-liquid distribution coefficient (Kd) of NOR, previously obtained with laboratory batch sorption experiments with soils and similar...
Early Career Researcher position open in BfS
ECR position in the frame of RadoNorm project is opened at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) to develop a biokinetic model for the transfer of radon, thoron and progeny and specific model for estimation of radiation dose. More information on:...
PhD position open in HZDR in the framework of RadoNorm
PhD position in the RadoNorm project WP2 Exposure, task 2.7 Identification of geochemical and biological processes controlling NORM mobility to derive more robust solid/liquid distribution coefficient can be found under the following link:...