An online gathering of the Munich Young Radiation Researchers (MYRR), organised by members of Radiation Biology group of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) took place on 21st March 2024. The meetings take place frequently to foster interaction between...
RadoNorm wishes a happy International Women’s Day
Radiation protection around the world relies heavily on the engagement of women, without whom the intense progress made over the years would not be possible. Here is a tribute to celebrating these hard-working and dedicated women who daily contribute to protecting...
RadoNorm funded citizen science project RadAR in Portugal presented at the IAEA Regional Training Course on Prevention and Mitigation Methods for Protection against Radon Exposure in Buildings
The RadAR citizen science project, funded by RadoNorm, was presented at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regional Training Course on Prevention and Mitigation Methods for Protection against Radon Exposure in Buildings on Friday, January 26, 2024. During...
RadoNorm at Nordic-Nat annual meeting in Sweden
RadoNorm was represented at the annual meeting of the Nordic working group concerning Radon, NORM and Building Materials (Nordic-Nat), which took place on 7 - 8 November 2023 at the Swedish regulatory authority (SSM) in Stockholm. J. Mrdakovic Popic (DSA, Norway)...
ICRP Cousins Award Finalist features RadoNorm project
The project undertaken by Ä. Degenhardt from BfS is one of the four finalists nominated for the ICRP Cousins Award in 2023. Her project titled “A Biokinetic Model to Assess Radon Uptake by the Fetus in Pregnant Women” is part of the work in Task 3.3 of WP3 and will be...
RadoNorm at GARRM (Prague)
RadoNorm was represented at the 16th International workshop on the Geological Aspects of radon risk mapping (GARRM), September 19th – 21st 2023, by S. Baumann from the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). He represented WP2 with an oral presentation...
RadoNorm Interest Group Meeting to discuss performance of budget radon monitors
WP2 of RadoNorm will be organising a workshop on Friday, 13th October 2023 as part of the European Radiation Protection Week 2023 to compare the performance of 13 low-cost electronic radon measuring instruments. The session will showcase the methodology and results of...
RadoNorm at the International Uranium Miners Workshop
The 3-day long International Workshop on Studies of Uranium Miners and Uranium Processing Workers concluded on 25th May 2023 in Munich, Germany. Various representatives from WP3 and WP4 took part in the meeting and engaged in intensive discussions on the effects of...
RadoNorm at ELCC 2023
RadoNorm was represented at the ELCC 2023 – European Lung Cancer Congress, by F. Turrisi, an early career researcher in WP4, and L. Mezquita from the Hospital Clinic Barcelona. The ELCC took place in Copenhagen, Denmark from 29th March to 1st April 2023 and featured...
25 years at the Center for Environmental Sciences at UHasselt
On Tuesday January 24th, the Center for Environmental Sciences CMK of the University Hasselt celebrated its 25th anniversary. Among the attendees were many prominent guests, such as Belgian federal minister Zakia Khattabi and IPBES General Secretary Anne Larigauderie,...