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december, 2024

RadoNorm at ICRER-addendum

At the 5th ICRER in September 2022 in Oslo, Norway, themes like i) NORM, including technologically enhanced NORM from industry and radon, ii) Radioecology and the management of nuclear & other legacies, and iii) Regulatory and societal aspects of environmental...

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RadoNorm at ICRER

The 5th International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER) will take place from 4th – 9th September 2022 in Oslo, Norway. The aim of the conference is to review and discuss recent achievements in radioecology, environmental...

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RadoNorm at the 2nd HERCA Workshop

Several members of RadoNorm participated in the 2nd HERCA Workshop on National Radon Action Plans, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal on 21-23 June 2022.  WP6 leader T. Perko briefly presented some findings from RadoNorm on “Communication and stakeholder involvement...

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RadoNorm at NORM X

10th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM X) organized by the Dutch foundation Radiation Protection Symposium North-West Europe, under the auspices of the Dutch Society for Radiation Protection (NVS), in association with the...

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RadoNorm at RICOMET 2022

Several delegates from WP6 participated in the RICOMET 2022 conference, which concluded on 12.5.2022 in Utrecht, Netherlands. RadoNorm PhD student Sofie Apers was awarded a prize for the best method at the conference. She presented an innovative Design Thinking...

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RadoNorm at BIOPROTA

RadoNorm will be represented at the BIOPROTA Annual Meeting on 16-19 May 2022, by Laureline Fevrier from IRSN and Jordi Vives i Batlle from SCK CEN, both involved in WP2 of RadoNorm. BIOPROTA is an international collaborative forum designed to support resolution of...

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RadoNorm at CARST2022

RadoNorm was represented at the 11th Annual Radon Conference (CARST2022), April 20th – 23rd 2022, by the young scientist Ämilie Degenhardt-Erbe from the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz. She represented WP3 with an oral presentation titled “Challenges of developing a...

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